Monday, December 28, 2009

Moms Using Bing?

Maybe I am just fascinated by the crazy commercials for Bing... afterall I spent 30 years working in advertising.

But, from my experience so far, I'm digging Bing for moms.

First of all, since I don't know of any mom who ever complained of having too much time on their hands, the fact that Bing gives you additional considerations (to make my life easier) to search for after you've put in your keywords is pretty ingenius.

I think the "look and feel" of Bing is far better than Google.

But I guess the question is, why did Microsoft do it? I read somewhere on a "google search" that Microsoft investing in search engines because hey conductes research with searchers and came out with the following facts:

-72% said that search results are too disorganized
-66% said that they allow search engines to make decisions
-50% said that the results fail to meet their needs

Do you think Google users were really left disatisfied?

Ok, replacing the name Live Search with Bing definitely is much cooler, especially when you're competing with the likes of Google for brand recognition.

I'd love to know if Bing has done any usability studies with moms?

Friday, October 23, 2009


I had read about this notion of the "Law of Attraction" but truly I can never say that it entered into my life until some January 15th of this year, the shared birthday with Martin Luther King who also had a dream. Having launched MyWorkButterfly at the home of Philanthropist of the Year, Malaak Compton-Rock, wife to Chris Rock, who believed in our mission, we new we were in for an exciting journey. Now Kathie Lee Gifford's on our journey, and so is Jill Zarin, Josie Bissett, Emme, Liz Lange, Dana Buchman, Dina Manzo, Nicole Richie, and many other incredible Celebrity and hi-profile moms. These mothers all stand behind our mission to help mothers today who are facing a huge struggle by no longer having the luxury to stay-at-home.

MyWorkButterfly provides a safe haven - a community - with free resources such as a career coach, psychotherapist and a national job board (with over 10,000 posts), plus experts in Elder Care, Child Care, Work/Life, Parenting, Money, Health, Fitness, Nutrition, Green, Relationships, Travel and more. We've attract in hundreds of like-minded Entrepreneur, Work-At-Home and Single Moms, as well as many other groups.

Almost every week, and some cases every day, I literally say something out loud that I want to happen, and magically, it happens. Its eery at times and although I question how these "miracles" as I call them keeping happening, I believe in my heart because on this special day in January I made a decision in my life to focus my energies to helping to empower as many moms as possible, all these things that I've asked for, keep coming my way. I was told by someone who studied the "Law of Attraction" that this is because I am asking for these things that they are coming my way. While I think that this is true, couple this with the fact that "when you give, you get so much more." It was only when I focused my passion to helping others that these incredible opportunities keep coming to me. Without the "Law of Attraction" I feel confident that my partner, Bradi Nathan and I would never have come so far in such a short period of time. And truly, there are so many mothers who we've met on our journey who are very spiritual and we believe this is more of a movement. Truly!

Just yesterday, I was walking into a MyWorkButterfly "Transformation" event - our first LIVE event held in New Jersey - and just inches from the door a beautiful gold/black butterfly sweeps off a plant and hits me squarely in the face.

Talk about attraction!

Monday, September 21, 2009


Want to win a date with Nick Lachey??

Go to, a social network to help moms return to work and working moms trying to manage it all...

September 21, 10pm (est) - October 1st.
Benefits VH1 Save The Music.
Made Possible by

Questions?? Email Terry Starr, or Bradi Nathan,

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Emme, "More To Love"

Tonight I was blown away when watching new show "More To Love" hosted by none other than beautiful Butterfly Mom and Plus Size Supermodel, emme.

I've had the pleasure of meeting Emme at Malaak and Chris Rock's home at the launch of MyWorkButterfly. Although I had seen emme for years on television, what struck me in meeting her in person was not only her outer beauty, but her inner strength and tranquility.

So, tonight, even though I was invited to share in the celebration at a local gathering near her home, after putting in a very long day, I had to turn on the TV and watch. I thought it was going to be great...but it was better than great.

At first, I was struck (and I mean hard) by the women who one-by-one shared their stories with the audience. My heart felt so heavy on my chest whilst I listened intently to what society had decided for them would be most, not all, of their fates. One mentioned never having been on a date for fear that it would just be a cruel joke -- that they didn't really want to go out with her. While another said that they were happy with who they were, but couldn't find a man willing to even give them the chance to get to know who she was from the inside.

My heart was bleeding for them. Regardless of being married to a very loving husband who no matter what I weigh (depends on the time of year & stress level) thinks I am gorgeous, I can so relate to the feelings that were shared by many of these women, "I bet he'd rather have the skinny one." So sad.

As the show progressed, I found myself in a happier place because the interaction between the Bachelor and the women was beyond touching. One I believe never even held a man's hand.

So I say, thank g-d for emme, the queen of positive body image and feeling good about your size, shape, style, etc. It's time society took a look in the mirror. If the average size woman in America is a size 14, why must we be a 2? or god forbid a 4?

Can't we be more forgiving. Doesn't brains matter? Doesn't being caring mean anything? Doesn't saving a life or donating your time account for something in this country. Really. Think about it.

Terry Starr

Friday, June 12, 2009

Malaak Compton Rock, Host, Triple Negative Breast Cancer Fundraiser with Guest Speaker Soledad O'Brien

Last night, co-founders of MyWorkButterfly attended a fundraiser hosted by supporter of MyWorkButterfly, the brilliant Malaak Compton-Rock. There were close to 500 people who gathered together in support of this important cause. Soledad O'Brien capped off the night speaking to all those who had joined together in memory of Nancy Block-Zenna. We learned that Nancy, afflicted by the disease, died just 2 1/2 years after diagnosis. Her only wish was for a foundation to raise money to aid in the research of this deadly disease. Malaak shared that "Nancy would be happy to know what this foundation has accomplished in a short time."

It was announced by Malaak that Breast Cancer Groups “Teamed Up” with $6.4 Million Grant to Advance Promising Treatments for Aggressive, Triple Negative Breast Cancer Unprecedented Partnership between the Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation and Susan G. Komen for the Cure® will Fund Collaborative Team at University of Alabama at Birmingham. * Funds raised by the Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation(TNBCF) will be used to jump start a promising $6.4 million dollar research project at the University of Alabama at Birmingham Comprehensive Cancer Center. The unprecedented Susan G. Komen for the Cure Promise Grant co‐funded by the Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation marks the first time that Komen for the Cure has collaborated with another non-profit organization to fund national research, and will be the largest single grant to date focused on triple negative disease – an aggressive subtype of breast cancer that doesn’t respond to targeted therapies that have been found to be effective in other forms of breast cancer. The grant to the University of Alabama will go to a team of researchers that has shown in early (pre‐clinical) studies that an antibody (drug) they have developed might be an effective targeted therapy for triple negative tumors. The five‐year Komen/TNBCF grant will fund a series of experiments that bring together a unique team of medical oncologists, basic researchers, pathologists, imaging specialists, and patient advocates, who will look at the biology behind how this antibody helps kill triple negative tumors and how it might be used for patients in the clinic.

We were excited to see many familiar faces such as Allison, Sharon, Jennifer and Andrea from TNBC, Lisa Monfried from Lemon and Dierdre from 201 Magazine. We were happy to see MyWorkButterfly's very own Laura Yurica.

MyWorkButterfly co-founders Terry Starr and Bradi Nathan were glad to be a part of this important evening.

Congrats Malaak and the entire TNBC team!

* Press Release, TNBC, 4.29.09

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Working Moms Get an Online Resource: Parsippany-based Site Offers (Global) Job Board & Social Network

PARSIPPANY -- Bradi Nathan gave up an advertising management job at Marie Claire to become a stay-at-home mother to her two children for eight years. Terry Starr twice returned to a lucrative career in recruitment marketing after just three months maternity leave when her two children were born.

Today, the two have partnered to offer mothers who take divergent paths to the office a place to meet and share their frustrations, challenges and successes.

The Livingston mothers launched the Parsippany-based in January, an online social networking and job search site for working mothers. Using their experience living on the opposite sides of the mommy wars, the 38-year-old Nathan and 50-year-old Starr have built an online site that seeks to address the needs of both kinds of working mothers -- those who never left the workplace and those seeking to re-enter after an extended leave.

The site -- free to use -- boasts a job board with 10,000 listings, an online career coach, a psychotherapist and interviews with celebrity moms who, despite their high-profile careers, can relate to the same mother's guilt about working while someone else watches their child.

"We're all mothers, we're all trying to do it all well," Nathan said. "We want this to be a rallying place for women helping and supporting other women."

Everything on the site relates to women's needs on their journeys from motherhood to work, they said.

With more than 300 pages of original content discussing everything from staying fit and beauty tips to finances and elder care, Starr and Nathan sought to offer mothers one site that fits all their needs.

Like butterflies, working mothers are often on the move, flitting from one responsibility to the next, and the site, Starr said, is meant to be a constant support system.

Within four months time, the site has 1,800 members, 36,000+ page views a month and is getting access to the likes of Kathie Lee Gifford, Malaak Compton Rock (comedian Chris Rock's wife) and Danielle Monaro, a radio DJ for New York's Z100. The three working mothers sat down for video interviews for the site.

This month features Monaro, who talks about how she wrestled with returning to work and leaving her 6-week-old son with a nanny.

She still feel pangs of guilt when she has to miss an important moment like her now 3-year-old son's Halloween parade.

"Why can't I be there," Monaro said. "Unfortunately I can't do it, I can't do everything." also caught the eye of the 12,000-member Business and Professional Women, a national women's advocacy and networking organization.

The organization was looking to partner with a social networking site in order to reach a younger generation, Blandford said.

BPW was attracted to the site Nathan and Starr created because it brings together a variety of resources, Blandford said.

"It supports mothers, women in transition and women looking for flexibility in their life," said Ayoka Blandford, spokeswoman for BPW.

Laura Bruno can be reached at (973) 428-6626 or

Monday, April 6, 2009 joins Mom Community is looking to connect with moms within the MyWorkButterfly community to share their success in developing a series of children's books, audio CD's and video DVDs, in a wonderful 14-part storybook series which is not only fun and exciting, but instills positive values, winning attitudes and leadership qualities in children.

Each story book also comes with a read-a-long audio CD and video DVD designed to build strong reading skills and a natural enjoyment of reading in a fun and easy way.


The ability to read fluently and the natural enjoyment of reading will open the doors of learning, opportunity and success for any child. Tomorrow’s options depend on what advantages we provide our children today.

In a wonderful way Traveling Bear empowers children with priceless winning skills that will last a lifetime.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

First TV Interview for MyWorkButterfly With Brenda Blackman, Channel 9 News

Catch Terry Starr and Bradi Nathan, Co-Founder of on TV (WOR), Channel 9, Sunday April 5th at 12:30pm!

Brenda asks Terry & Bradi questions about what's on the minds of Moms today who are thinking of going back to the workforce and for those already working, how are they able to handle it all, or not?!?

The Angel Rock Project and Butterfly Work Together

Be sure to check out the shout-out Butterfly recieved from The Angle Rock Project Website!
Click Here

This is so exciting!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Butterfly is on KathieLeeGifford

Check out what's reported on Kathie Lee's scrapbook page --

MyWorkButterfly is at the top of the list..let's push it out there!

Click Here

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Danielle Monaro, Z100 Radio Personality Is One Rockin' Butterfly Mom

What's Danielle Monaro's Battle Cry?

This is the most visited video on and on YouTube

-- what do you think of it?

Good News For Butterfly Moms Who Own Small Businesses

As reported on

DID YOU KNOW: Women are majority owners of more than 28 percent of U.S. businesses, but head less than 4 percent of venture-capital-backed firms. Women business owners are more likely than white male business owners to have their loan applications denied.

Barack Obama and Joe Biden encourage investing in women-owned businesses, providing more support to women business owners and reducing discrimination in lending.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

25 Things You Should Know About

1. Butterfly's original working name was Moms For Hire

2. Terry Starr conceived of the name Butterfly and the tag line, For Moms Who Want to Spread Their Wings, in the shower

3. Co-founders, Terry and Bradi, first met at Border's Books in September 2008

4. Terry and Bradi have sons in the same grade at the same school yet never knew one another existed

5. Terry and Bradi were introduced at Border's Books by Terry's friend Janelle Schneider

6. Malaak Compton Rock, host of Butterfly's launch party, worked with Bradi in advertising at Elizabeth Arden in 1995

7. Kathie Lee Gifford cried during our interview with her

8. Butterfly is the only niche social networking for moms of its kind

9. Terry and Bradi have received many Butterfly gifts over the past few months

10. Bradi had "Butterflies" in her stomach before interviewing Kathie Lee Gifford

11. Dr. Robi Ludwig has been one of the biggest supporters of Butterfly's mission connecting us to her influential network of colleagues and friends

12. Selecting the photo that appears in Butterfly's header was one of the most difficult decisions we faced

13. Bradi and Terry did the Blueprint Cleanse in order to look their best for the Butterfly launch party

14. Our dream is to be on Oprah!

15. Or CNN, CBS, Today, FOX News or any other network for that matter

16. We believe many women need the encouragement and support of other women to make their dream a reality

17. Our lucky number is 8

18. We both graduated from Ithaca College

19. The Butterfly colors were inspired by a Metropolitan Home magazine cover

20. was already taken by a golf company. They won't sell the url to us

21. Terry took her most recent conference call from a dressing room at Bloomingdale's as she was fitted for a photo shoot about

22. We would love to interview Kelly Ripa- and look like her too

23. Gaining the support of Michelle Obama is our ultimate goal!

24. Our Hope is to have an impact on women's lives in this tough economic climate

25. Women have joined Butterfly from across the Globe: South Korea, Canada, Australia, Italy and the UK. These mother have found us... please spread the word to help others find us too!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Lunch: Andre Leon Talley -- Media Star!

February 12th, 2009
DIANE CLEHANE, Writer-At-Large,
Michael's Restaurant, Manhattan, NYC.

We missed Blythe Danner by a day. Too bad, I would have loved to have asked her what she thinks of her daughter's goofy -- but strangely compelling -- Web site, GOOP. It's the gospel according to Gwyneth, where she holds forth on all things great and small -- from how to wear a little black dress to how she got rid of her 'Shar-Pei-like stomach' after her pregnancies (I'm not kidding). No matter. The dining room was jam-packed, as it's been for weeks on Wednesdays now. Even the bar was standing room only. I was happy to catch up with my pals 'The Bar-ettes' Kira Semler and Vi Huse (They had to cancel a few weeks back because of that dreadful storm). But today spring was in the air, and from the looks of things, everyone was feeling upbeat.

I was thrilled when my friend Andre Leon Talley asked me to join him and Linda Wachner for coffee. Looking dapper as can be, Vogue's main man was fresh off his appearance on Today this morning, where he chatted with Meredith Vieira ("She was so easy to talk to") about his much-anticipated March cover story on Michelle Obama. "I'm really proud of it," says Andre of his exclusive up close and personal profile of the First Lady. There had been plenty of speculation on whether Mrs. Obama would be gracing the cover of the fashion bible after her hairdresser (who is getting his own reality show) semi-spilled the beans, but Andre says everyone at Vogue was sworn to secrecy. Now that it's official, he's making the rounds to talk about what it was like to spend time with the First Lady for the piece. He taped a segment for NBC Nightly News this morning, and he was off to do a sit-down after lunch with Wolf Blitzer (and he's going back to CNN for a second appearance tomorrow). With so much interest surrounding the story and accompanying images, I'm predicting the issue will be one of the magazine's strongest sellers ever. "I think it's going to be huge," says Andre. It's a pretty safe bet, I'd say ...

Andre told me he was struck by the First Lady's "focus and clarity" about her new life and, of course, was duly impressed by her fierce determination and commitment to give her girls as normal a life as possible. "She doesn't want them to grow up in a bubble," he reports. Andre saw the bond between mother and daughters firsthand as he made the seven-hour train ride with the Obamas as they journeyed from Philadelphia to Washington, D.C. to the inauguration. It was something to see, he said, when the girls threw their mom a surprise birthday party on the train, having spent two hours decorating the car in secret. Michelle was understandably thrilled, says Andre. "Her genuine warmth is amazing." We both agree it's high time interesting people who are actually doing something push the 11-pound, 11 year-old celebutantes who are famous for being famous from the spotlight. Could it be that 'smart' is the new cool? Here's hoping...

Here's the rundown on today's crowd:

1. Kevin Huvane (who got hugs from the staff upon his arrival) and a mystery gent...
2. The Early shift: Dennis Basso and Marjorie Gubelman; Second seating: Bruce Wasserstein and his lovely daughter Pamela.
3. CNBC's Jonathan Wald and Dan Abrams. When I stopped by to say hello, they told me the two "old friends" were having a "catch up" lunch. The Late Show: Lanky Luke Janklow and a distinguished gray-haired gal.
4. Jack Kliger
5. Herb Siegal
6. Lisa Dallos with TV Guide editor-in-chief Debra Birnbaum and The New York Post's Keith Kelly. As a TV Guide alum, it was good to catch up with Debra and see what the old gang has been up to. Congrats to my good pals Lisa Chambers and Carol Dittbrenner on their much-deserved promotions. I know it was a while ago, but still...
7. Andre Leon Talley and Linda Wachner
8. Versace's Lisa Hellman with two unidentified fashionistas
9. Joe Versace
11. Stephen Swid
12. Cindy Lewis, Mandi Norwood (who is one of the few women who can get away with super short hair and look gorgeous doing it) and Bradi Nathan and Terry Starr, co-founders of Butterfly -- a social networking site "for moms who want to spread their wings" geared toward multitasking working moms. (Is there any other kind?) I'd settle for finding a competent babysitter, but what do I know? You can check it out for yourself
14. I stopped to chat with my friend, Nielsen's Gerry Byrne and his pal Brendan Ryan. Gerry had just returned from Quantico, Virginia, where he attended last night's premiere of HBO's Taking Chance at Quantico Marine Corp Base. The film stars Kevin Bacon as Lieutenant Colonel Michael Strobl, who volunteers as a military escort to accompany the remains of 19-year-old Lance Corporal Chance Philips, USMC, back to his home in Dubois, Wyoming after he is killed by hostile gunfire in Iraq. Gerry, who served as a Marine Corps. Officer in Vietnam, was extremely moved by the film. Sounds like a must-see to me...
15. Jeff Pollack
16. Author Sandy Schrier
17. Sandy Hill
18. Francine LeFrak and pals
20. Rob Weisbach
21. Jay Kriegel
22. Lora Graev
23. Michael Kassan
24. Nick E. Rubinstein
25. Jeremy Philips, News Corp's EVP
26. Bev Camhe and Patty Watt
27. Peter Miscovich and Peter Slatin
28. Kristin Bedard
29. Shelly Zalis

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Newsletter from Butterfly

February 23rd, 2009

In the past two editions of Weekly Wings we have made much to-do about the celebrities we have, and will, interview for Butterfly. We have stated how remarkable each and every one is and have clearly voiced exactly why each woman was chosen as a mentor. We truly believe, as we wrote, that you will be inspired by their stories and you will relate to their struggles.

What we would like to do in this edition of Weekly Wings is to recognize our peers who are just as important as the Kathie Lee Gifford's of this world! Women like Paula Schmitt, Founder and Editor of Mom’s Literary Magazine. Paula is a mother to five, and has devoted herself to her family and to creating a forum for moms "across the globe to share stories and triumphs... who try hard to get it right." Join Paula's Women's Literary Magazine group on to connect to a fascinating group of women.

Shawn Slevin, as you may know, was the recipient of our very first Butterfly contest as she proudly invited her entire database of mothers into our community. Shawn's circle of moms grew from her organization called Swim Strong. Swim Strong "inspires kids to get off the couch and changes lives through competitive swimming." Join Shawn's Swim Strong group on and become inspired, for yourself and for your children.

Kimberley Clayton Blaine, is yet another Butterfly that needs to be recognized. She is an attentive mother who has earned the title of The Go-To Mom as a national parenting expert. Her book is proudly showcased on Butterfly's home page and her informative parenting spots can be seen on

Like Kimberley, Lynne Kenney, PsyD, also lends her expertise to TV and to radio as well. Lynne is a psychologist who "writes, produces and directs short TV/Radio content to improve the lives of families." She so kindly invited Butterfly to speak on her ever popular radio blog. (Click here to listen to Lynne's interview with Butterfly's Co-Founder Terry Starr.) You see, we too believe that celebrities and high-profile moms are fascinating but we want to make sure that your efforts and achievements as everyday moms are also recognized. We are all Butterflies, no matter where we started or how our journey may evolve.... reach out to one another on as we take this journey together.

A Newsletter from Butterfly

February 16th, 2009

Love and passion are two words that are synonymous with Valentine’s Day. But, to me they are synonymous with so much more. Women. I love women and am passionate about women. And, while my husband may feel a tad jealous, I don’t care. Terry and I are so lucky to have interviewed the most dynamic and inspiring group of mothers in the past four and a half months. Mothers who are passionate about their families and love the work they do.

Liz Lange revealed to us this past week that even though some people questioned her intentions to start a maternity line, she was determined to fill a niche. Who’s questioning her now? Her line is sold nationally at Target and Nordstrom.It’s hard not to love and feel passionate about Liz and the dozens of women that will be showcased on Listen to their stories. Learn from their experiences. Know that you can love and feel passion for your family and for your job, whatever that might be.

In 2009 Butterfly will feature exclusive interviews with the following mothers who struggle everyday to “do it all”: Emme- Plus Size Supermodel and TV Personality, Anne Sutherland Fuchs- Chair, NYC Commission onWomen’s Issues, Laurie Gelman- Host of Toronto’s The Mom Show, Samantha Ettus- Best Selling Author and Web TV Host, Jane Skinner and Jennifer Griffin- Fox News Correspondents, Rebecca Lobo- ESPN Sports Commentator and Former WNBA Superstar, and Dr. Robi Ludwig- Nationally Known Psychotherapist as seen on Today, Oprah, E!, to name a few. It is hard not to feel the love and the passion for these remarkable women.