Working Moms Social Network providing advice, support and solutions to moms returning-to-work, while guiding those working moms striving to achieve work/life flexibility.
DID YOU KNOW: Women are majority owners of more than 28 percent of U.S. businesses, but head less than 4 percent of venture-capital-backed firms. Women business owners are more likely than white male business owners to have their loan applications denied.
Barack Obama and Joe Biden encourage investing in women-owned businesses, providing more support to women business owners and reducing discrimination in lending.
1. Butterfly's original working name was Moms For Hire
2. Terry Starr conceived of the name Butterfly and the tag line, For Moms Who Want to Spread Their Wings, in the shower
3. Co-founders, Terry and Bradi, first met at Border's Books in September 2008
4. Terry and Bradi have sons in the same grade at the same school yet never knew one another existed
5. Terry and Bradi were introduced at Border's Books by Terry's friend Janelle Schneider
6. Malaak Compton Rock, host of Butterfly's launch party, worked with Bradi in advertising at Elizabeth Arden in 1995
7. Kathie Lee Gifford cried during our interview with her
8. Butterfly is the only niche social networking for moms of its kind
9. Terry and Bradi have received many Butterfly gifts over the past few months
10. Bradi had "Butterflies" in her stomach before interviewing Kathie Lee Gifford
11. Dr. Robi Ludwig has been one of the biggest supporters of Butterfly's mission connecting us to her influential network of colleagues and friends
12. Selecting the photo that appears in Butterfly's header was one of the most difficult decisions we faced
13. Bradi and Terry did the Blueprint Cleanse in order to look their best for the Butterfly launch party
14. Our dream is to be on Oprah!
15. Or CNN, CBS, Today, FOX News or any other network for that matter
16. We believe many women need the encouragement and support of other women to make their dream a reality
17. Our lucky number is 8
18. We both graduated from Ithaca College
19. The Butterfly colors were inspired by a Metropolitan Home magazine cover
20. was already taken by a golf company. They won't sell the url to us
21. Terry took her most recent conference call from a dressing room at Bloomingdale's as she was fitted for a photo shoot about
22. We would love to interview Kelly Ripa- and look like her too
23. Gaining the support of Michelle Obama is our ultimate goal!
24. Our Hope is to have an impact on women's lives in this tough economic climate
25. Women have joined Butterfly from across the Globe: South Korea, Canada, Australia, Italy and the UK. These mother have found us... please spread the word to help others find us too!